
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Whatever I like post from 9/26

This blog is coming in late as I am currently writing my late blog posts I missed. Since I am in the process of writing late blog posts, I am going to write about that. It’s whatever I like… so, yeah. I only missed a few blogs from unit 1. Unit 2 is where I need to make up the most blogs. I am current on unit 3. Bored yet? Keep reading, I will throw in quotes I made up as I am writing or maybe something I said or did from before this class. You’re welcome. “I don’t know why Mario can fly on super Mario Brothers 3 with a raccoon tail.” I actually took that quote from my brain as something I texted someone once when I was bored. But think about it….Why would you be able to fly by acquiring a raccoon’s tail? Raccoons are not well known for their flying abilities and most the raccoons I know are overweight. They live down by the blackberry bushes behind my apartment and steal my trash as I throw it in the dumpster. But they don’t fly away with my trash! They instead make their way down to a currently unknown location and I assume they eat it. Maybe trash gives them flying abilities? I don’t know. Anyways, I have quite a bit of reading to do to refresh my memory on certain writings so I can effectively turn in my late blogs. That reminds me of a time that a possum died at my work from eating Del Taco Inferno sauce. He was a noble Possum. I guess I like writing about rodents or mammals or whatever the hell raccoons and possums are. Anyways, time to get back to work. Enjoy knowing that I am writing more blogs as we speak.  

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