
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What Makes for Good Teaching

What makes for good teaching?

I believe good teaching is achieved by inspiring the learner to push forward and to trust themselves. This doesn't apply just to the education system it can apply to anything there is to be taught. Encouragement through critique both positive and negative can point out strengths while also showing where improvement may be needed. While watching the video by Ken Robinson, I saw how he used humor when showing specific points and used uplifting stories that illustrated his point of creativity. This kept me engaged thoroughly as it made me zone out everything in the background and listen intently to his words. Leading by example and teaching people using the abilities those people already have instead of concentrating on the abilities they don’t, will help them learn things they thought they might not be able to.  A good teacher can help a struggling student by relating to them on a personal level and that can build confidence in the student to help them learn what otherwise seemed impossible.

What makes for bad teaching?

Bad teaching is an easy way to teach. It’s easy not to try to relate personally to someone you are trying to teach. It’s also easier to hand someone a list of instructions and expect them to understand what you've given to them without your guidance or additional input. Obviously if you enjoy teaching you will be more apt to give attention to your students, more so than someone who only does it for a pay check or because they have to. 


  1. Well said. Love the opening comment, its so true. How can you consider yourself a good teacher if you don't inspire one to go deeper in whatever you're teaching about.

    1. Thanks for the comment! I appreciate the feedback!!
