
Monday, October 7, 2013

Programming and Google Articles: How They Can Be Possible Models

After reading both “How I Learned to Program Computers” and “How I learned to Live Google-Free”, I went back through each article individually and examined the structure and order in which they were written. I noticed that each was a timeline of events in which there was an order to the story as it progressed to the outcome. Of the two articles, neither was jumbled and each presented a precise point for each section that the author was trying to put forth. Reading through both, I can see how having areas that are both explanatory on the subject as well as concise to the point really helps drive home the substance of the story while keeping the reader engaged.

The authors explained their purpose in writing their articles and they did it in way that the reader did not have to be an expert on the subject matter to understand. I can see that the articles are tailored towards a specific audience, but I still find for most that they would be readable and that even a “non-expert” would gather at least the viewpoint of the author if not more.

            Both of the articles presented a good template to use for the writing assignment due on 10/17. While writing the paper, I can use those articles and other writings as a reference point to compare the style and the substance that I am using. Once finished, I can look back and compare the paper I have written to decide if I feel I have conveyed my message in a similar way. Comparing the articles to one another, I can see different writing techniques I can include in my paper. I’m sure that many sources will ultimately help in my final draft but I think that these articles are a great place to start.  

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