
Monday, October 7, 2013

My Experience(or lack there of) with Pre-Writing

           I used to write quite often. Most of the time, it would be about something I thought was humorous or a political satire related writing. I generally would come up with the initial idea and then write as fast as I could without thinking. After I reached a certain point, I would go back and read what I had written to see where I may have areas that needed to be rewritten or if there was room to elaborate on the subject. I would also look for words that could be changed to more effectively convey the message I was putting across. It seems the most recent writing experience I had would be long, irrelevant Facebook posts about random things that I found amusing. For example, I wrote a story about a Possum that ate itself to death from Del Taco hot sauce.

Most of my pre-writing up until now was mostly in my head. I didn’t spend much time brainstorming as I would usually just freewrite as an idea crossed my mind almost out of nowhere. I suppose that freewriting is my main pre-writing technique. There are times where I would sit down and brainstorm, write a draft, edit, write another and continue on until I was finished. Those times were usually related to school or, in some rare circumstances, work.  

After reading from the pre-writing section of the book, I am reminded that there are many techniques that pre-writing encompasses. One of the biggest aspects of this class that excite me will be practicing these techniques so I can become a more effective writer as well as a more appreciative reader. I look forward to using some of these methods of pre-writing on the first paper. 

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