
Monday, December 9, 2013

The Authors That Agree With Me (11/26)

Over the quarter we have read many authors that I learned from. Some I agreed with and some not but I learned something from them all. The Authors that agree with me the most are John Gatto, Ken Robinson, Mike Rose, and Paolo Freire. I really like the ideas that Ken Robinson puts forth and listening to him is inspiring to say the least. He seems like an author I would really enjoy reading other works from and to learn more about his experiences that lead him to his great ideas. John Gatto I probably agree with the most as far as his opinions on the state of the school system and his views on the history of education related to the teaching methods and regulations that we have today. Mike Rose’s experiences are great to read and he gives vivid images of the experiences he had in school in his writings and really explains the teachers and their methods he had in great detail. Paolo Friere gives a great alternative to what he calls “the banking” method of teaching and explains the system and the proposed fix in a great detail. I had to re-read many sections of Paolo Friere’s “The Banking Method of Education” to get what he meant because his writing is so detailed but that is why I really enjoyed reading it.  

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